In support of the Goucher College Community Principles, the Office of Residential Life seeks to develop and foster safe, healthy, and ethical communities within the residence halls.
Except where otherwise noted, the policies detailed below supplement the Goucher College Student Code of Conduct, specifically Article IV.B.22, and shall be addressed in accordance with procedures outlined in that document.
Individuals who witness or become aware of any conflicts with residential life or other college policies may report any information to a Residential Life staff member (Resident Assistant, Residential Life Coordinator, etc) or by emailing
Any student’s personal property remaining in a residence hall room or residence hall space past the final day and time of the Contract or past the date the Office of Residential Life has confirmed a student is no longer in occupancy of a residence hall room will be deemed abandoned property. All abandoned items will be removed at the student’s expense, and will be sold, destroyed, discarded, maintained for use by the College, or donated to an appropriate charitable organization depending upon the items and their value.
Only Goucher College affiliated offices and registered student organizations may advertise within the residence halls, and all advertising must adhere to the college's Advertising Policy. Advertising may only be displayed in designated areas of the residence halls.
In accordance with the Goucher College Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis & Other Drugs Policy:
In addition, the following policies are in effect for residence hall spaces:
All-Gender Housing will be available in all student housing as well as all apartments. The only exception are floors that are designated as single-gender. Students that draw into these rooms will be able to secure rooms with fellow students of any gender.
All-Gender Housing is defined as a housing option in which two or more students may share a multiple-occupancy bedroom, in mutual agreement, regardless of the students' gender identity. The Office of Residential Life will work with students individually to best address their needs.
For reasons of safety, humaneness, and group hygiene, the only pets permitted in the residence halls are fish in aquariums of 10 gallons or less. All roommates must agree to allow the aforementioned pets in their room/suite/apartment. The college reserves the right to limit the type and number of fish permitted.
Goucher College accommodates students who are approved to host emotional support and service animals in the residence halls. Prior to hosting an emotional support or service animal in the residence halls, students must receive written approval from the Office of Accessibility Services and the Office of Residential Life. More information about hosting an emotional support or service animal in the residence halls can be found on the Service and Assistance Animals webpage.
For more information, see the college's Animal Policy.
Unless otherwise designated, shared bathrooms in all-gender residence hall communities are open and available to individuals of all gender identities. All students assigned to those communities and any guests shall respect the rights and abilities for all individuals to use the shared bathroom facilities.
In residence hall communities designated for a specific gender-identifying population, the shared bathrooms are also designated for the specific gender-identifying population. Unless unanimously approved by all members of the designated residence hall community, students assigned to those communities and any guests shall respect the gender designation for the shared bathroom facilities.
Students are expected to use shared bathroom facilities in a manner that facilitates a safe and sanitary living environment for all students in the residence hall community. This includes removing all personal property from bathroom facilities after using the facilities, disposing of any individual trash items in the appropriate containers, and ensuring used facilities are clean after use.
Students assigned to an apartment or suite with a room-specific bathroom and/or washroom are responsible for maintaining and cleaning the spaces within their assigned apartment/suite. Residents of Welsh Hall can pick up replacement paper towels and soap for the paper towel and soap dispensers in their bathrooms at the Office of Residential Life in Heubeck Hall.
All bicycles that are used on campus by any member of the Goucher community must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety. There is no charge for bicycle registration. To register a bike, you will need a valid Goucher OneCard and a complete description of the bicycle.
Bicycles may not be parked in stairwells, breezeways, hallways, or other public areas inside of any campus building, per Baltimore County Fire Code Regulations. Goucher College is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles.
Students have the right to sleep and study in their rooms at any time without interference from those around them. Residents are expected to demonstrate courtesy and consideration toward others at all times and, if asked to respect this, are expected to comply immediately. Individuals who disregard requests to respect courtesy or quiet hours shall be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for student accountability action.
During quiet hours, sound must not be audible beyond the limits of any individual room, apartment/suite, or lounge. During periods of student occupancy, quiet hours shall be in effect in all of the residence halls during the following times:
During the Final Experience/Exam period of each semester, quiet hours will be in effect at all times, beginning on the Friday before the Final Experience/Exam period and continuing through the final day of the Final Experience/Exam period.
Lead Paint Warning Statement: To fully comply with the Federal EPA regulations regarding communications about use of lead-based paint in residential facilities, the following information is provided to all residents of campus-owned, apartment style housing that was constructed prior to 1978. Residents of these units will be given a copy of the pamphlet Protect your Family from Lead in Your Home (PDF), and asked to sign a Disclosure and Warning Statement.
In accordance with the Goucher College Student Code of Conduct, students are prohibited from:
In accordance with the Goucher College Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis & Other Drugs Policy:
In accordance with the Goucher College Student Code of Conduct, students are prohibited from:
Upon the activation of a fire alarm in the residence halls, all residents shall evacuate the residence hall immediately and report to the house's designated meeting location. Students should only re-enter the residence hall only after being instructed to do so by authorized college staff.
To ensure students' preparedness and functionality of college services, fire drills shall be conducted at least once per academic semester in each residence hall. Students will not be provided with advanced notification of scheduled fire drills, and students should respond to all fire alarms in accordance with college policies and procedures.
Gatherings in individual rooms or apartments should not exceed the following standards, according to fire safety regulations:
In accordance with the Goucher College Student Code of Conduct:
In addition, the following policies are in effect for residence hall spaces:
Students interested in hosting a guest on campus who does not have an active residence hall assignment must register their guest(s) through The Housing Director Registration Form before the guest's arrival. Students should submit guest passes for all non-Goucher visitors, regardless of whether they stay the night. Having a guest visit is a two-step process:
Step 1: Whenever a student plans to have a guest visit campus for the first time, the guest will need to register using the following link. The guest will create an account through The Housing Director that allows us to track when outside guests are on campus and in our residence halls. In addition, it will ask guests to agree to the terms & conditions of being a guest at Goucher College. This is a two-part process, as guests will also need to confirm their account via email to be eligible. Accounts only need to be set up once per guest. Please note: it can take several minutes for the email verification to reach an inbox.
Step 2: Once a guest has an account, students can invite the guest to campus. Mobile phone numbers are the main identifier used in inviting guests to campus. To invite a guest to campus, simply click on "new visitor pass" on the left-hand side of The Housing Director landing page, type in your guest's mobile number, and select the dates of the visit. This will then create a pass that will be sent to the guest's mobile number so they can access campus. During this time, students will also be asked to agree to the terms & conditions of hosting a guest at Goucher College. Please remember that hosting a guest is exciting, but it is also the student's responsibility to make sure guests are following Goucher policies. Failure to do so could result in the immediate removal of guests and the loss of guest privileges in the future.
Once a visitor pass has been created, guests will receive a digital guest pass to the mobile number provided to them, which they must keep in their person for the duration of their visit. Guests must present their pass upon request by Goucher Staff and Resident Assistant, to access the SRC, or to gain admittance to on-campus events (that are not open to the public).
Common areas within the residence hall communities, including lounges, kitchens, and study rooms, are for the use and enjoyment of all residents of the residence hall community. Students are expected to use and maintain these spaces responsibly and consistent with the space’s designed function and purpose. Common areas within the residence halls are considered public area, and thus, individuals using those spaces shall comply with all college policies and applicable laws (including laws regarding the screening and public showing of copyrighted materials).
All furniture in a residence hall common space should remain in the designated area, and individuals shall not remove any furniture from a residence hall common space. Individuals who are found to be responsible for removing any items or furniture from a residence hall common space may incur additional fees for returning the item(s) to the designated space.
The Office of Residential Life must approve any organized gatherings in a residence hall common area, including lounges and kitchen areas. Clubs are prohibited from meeting in any common room area.
Students must use and maintain kitchen areas within the residence halls responsibly. This includes being present in the area while using any appliances, cleaning any appliances or utilities that were used (such as stoves, sinks, etc), and removing any personal property promptly from the kitchen area. Any items stored or left in common area refrigerators are the responsibility of the individual student, and Goucher College is not responsible for any personal items removed from a common area kitchen without a student’s knowledge or consent. Items may be removed from a kitchen area or refrigerator if they are deemed to be a health or safety concern to the area.
Students are responsible for their personal property while using residence hall common areas and shall remove any personal property from the area when not in use of the area. Items left unattended in a residence hall common area may be considered abandoned property and shall be removed by Goucher College staff. Goucher College is not responsible for any personal items removed from a residence hall common area without a student’s knowledge or consent.
In accordance with fire and safety regulations, hallways are not public assembly areas and must be kept clear of clutter and student personal property. Any personal items left unattended in a hallway may be considered abandoned property and removed at the student’s expense.
Upon submitting an application to live on campus or re-contracting, students will digitally sign an occupancy contract. This contract outlines the terms and conditions that students agree to by choosing to live in college housing, including fees associated with full occupancy and terminating the contract prior to its conclusion.
Read the updated Housing Contract
Laundry rooms with washing and drying machines are provided on the ground level of each residence hall. Laundry rooms are available for use by all students assigned to the residence hall, and students are permitted to use such spaces and the resources provided in a manner that allows all residents assigned to the residence hall to use the provided resources appropriately.
Students are responsible for their personal property while using laundry rooms, and shall remove any personal property from washing and drying machines promptly. Any items left unattended overnight in a laundry room shall be considered abandoned property, and shall be removed by Goucher College staff.
Individuals shall not remove items from a laundry room or other common space within the residence halls that are not their personal property. Goucher College is not responsible for any personal items removed from a laundry room without a student’s knowledge or consent. Any suspicion of items being stolen should be reported to the Office of Campus Safety.
Student health and safety are a primary concern of Goucher College. As such, in cases of intoxication or overdose due to consumption or use of alcohol or other drugs, the College encourages individuals to seek assistance for themselves or others. The fear of discipline should not interfere with obtaining assistance sought due to severe and immediate risk. The Office of the Dean of Students will not pursue conduct charges against a student for violations of the Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis & Other Drugs Policy (1) if the student actively assists an individual under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or (2) if the student is intoxicated and is the recipient of active assistance by another student.
Read the full Medical Amnesty and Responsible Action Policy (PDF).
Students may access their assigned residence hall using their college-issued OneCard. OneCard access to residence hall facilities is maintained by the Office of Campus Safety in collaboration with the Office of Residential Life. The issued OneCard may not be transferred or loaned to another individual and may not be duplicated.
OneCards are issued in accordance with the OneCard Photo Identification Cards & College Issued Keys policy, and lost or stolen OneCards should be reported immediately to the Office of Campus Safety.
To ensure the safety and security of residence hall facilities, students are prohibited from possessing the following items with the residence halls:
Any personal appliances, such as irons, hot pots, coffee makers, hair dryers, curling irons, etc., must possess an auto shut-off feature.
Only UL-approved extension cords in good condition may be used.
The college is not responsible for the loss of or damage to students' personal property.
Students are urged to:
As a precaution, students are also encouraged to take valuable belongings home during breaks. Residents are urged to confirm existing coverage under the homeowner's policy of their parents or guardians and, if not covered, to secure individual property insurance.
The Goucher College Access and Search Policy outlines conditions and procedures for college staff entering student rooms.
In accordance with a student’s Housing Contract, any changes to a student’s residence hall room assignment must be approved by the Office of Residential Life. Any student who takes occupancy of a residence hall room other than their assigned residence hall room without the approval of the Office of Residential Life may be subject to a $100 improper room fee, may be required to vacate the residence hall room that the student has occupied, and may be expected to take occupancy of the student’s assigned residence hall room.
Students are encouraged to decorate their assigned residence hall room in a manner that creates a safe and comfortable environment. Students are also responsible for decorating their residence hall room in a manner that maintains the safety and security of residence hall spaces, does not cause any damage to the residence halls, and ensures the functionality of residence hall property and utilities. As a result, students should be aware of the following when decorating their residence hall room:
Within one week of having moved into their assigned residence hall room, students will have the opportunity to update the room’s Room Condition Report (RCR) for their assigned room. Students are strongly encouraged to review and update their assigned room’s RCR to protect themselves from being assessed charges for prior conditions. By not going through this process, students waive the right to appeal damage charges at the end of each semester.
Students are responsible for any damages or unsanitary conditions caused by the assigned occupants of their residence hall room. Unless an individual student claims responsibility for any damages or additional cleaning required for the room after the student(s) have vacated the room, any necessary damage/cleaning fees may be split equally among the assigned students of the room.
Rooms, apartments, and public areas of the house should be left in the condition they were found. After a student vacates their assigned residence hall room, the Office of Residential Life and/or the college's Facilities Management Services (FMS) department inspect residence hall areas and, if necessary, generate a list of damages and cost estimates. Each proposed charge is compared to the most recent RCR for the room, which noted any pre-existing damage. Items not noted on the RCR will be charged to the student(s).
All halls are furnished with the necessities. Additional furniture may be used to decorate the rooms. However, disassembly or removal of college furniture is not permitted. Waterbeds or water chairs are also not permitted because of their excessive weight and potential for damage to college and personal property. Due to fire hazards, no personal loft construction or overstuffed furnishings are permitted.
At check-in, each student shall be issued one key to their assigned residence hall room. The issued residence hall room key may not be transferred or loaned to another individual and may not be duplicated. The issued residence hall room key must be returned to the Office of Residential Life when the student vacates their assigned residence hall room, including when a student withdraws from the college, is approved to reside off campus, or at the conclusion of the housing contract period.
Residents should notify the Office of Residential Life immediately if their keys are lost or broken. For safety reasons, a lock change is required unless a broken or bent key is returned to Residential Life. The charge for lost keys or keys not returned (including lock change when necessary) is $120, and the replacement of bent or broken keys (with the return of the key) is $15.
A resident who has been locked out of their residence hall room should contact the Office of Residential Life during regular business hours (normally Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding college recognized holidays), and to the Office of Campus Safety after regular business hours. A staff member or an officer will accompany the resident to the room to unlock the door. If the resident has lost their key, the same procedure will be followed, but the resident will be authorized to keep a temporary key overnight. The resident should notify the Office of Residential Life of the loss no later than the next business day. If the resident is concerned for their safety and has reason to believe that their room might be accessed with the lost keys, they should notify Campus Safety immediately. Campus Safety, upon request, will loan the resident a supplemental locking mechanism (glove lock) to offer additional security until the lock can be changed.
Students shall maintain the condition of their residence hall room in a manner that facilitates a safe and sanitary living environment for all students in the residence hall community. Students shall be required to resolve any room conditions that may compromise the health or safety of residence hall students in a timely manner as communicated by the Office of Residential Life or other authorized campus office. If a student is unable or unwilling to resolve such conditions, the college may provide services to resolve such conditions at the student’s expense.
All personal trash from a resident’s room must be taken to and discarded in the trash room located on the ground level of each residence hall. Room trash should not be discarded in common area receptacles or left in public or common spaces (such as hallways, stairwells, lounges, etc.). Students found responsible for leaving trash in areas other than the designated trash room may have additional cleaning fees charged to their student account. If an individual student cannot be identified as the source, the entire residence hall community may be held responsible for such cleaning fees.
Soon after move-in, all the residents in a residence hall room, suite, or apartment will be required to complete a roommate agreement. The roommate agreement is a document that helps all students in a room to discuss their living preferences, including sleep schedules, sharing of personal property, guest visitation, and more. Residents are strongly encouraged to take the time to talk through all the areas of the roommate agreement in depth and come to a consensus regarding all the residents’ living preferences.
When a conflict arises among roommates, the Office of Residential Life staff will use the roommate agreement to assist the residents in resolving the conflict. If necessary, the roommate agreement may be edited or amended at any time to reflect all residents’ needs and interests.
Students who demonstrate an unwillingness to act in good faith compliance with a roommate agreement or whose actions create conditions that prohibit another student from occupying an assigned residence hall space may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students and may be removed or re-assigned from the room.
In accordance with the Goucher College Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis & Other Drugs Policy:
Students who sell merchandise, distribute goods, or advertise on campus, either in person or online, are prohibited from using college facilities or services, including residence hall rooms, public spaces on campus, campus telephone numbers, computing and/or network services, or college postal facilities, for the purpose of such activities. The purpose of this policy is to minimize disruption to residential and academic life and to preserve the non-profit status of the college. This policy does not apply to approved fund-raising activities by student groups.
Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited in the residence halls, including (but not limited to) selling or distributing merchandise, soliciting survey responses, and political campaigning. The Office of Campus Safety should be contacted when a solicitor is observed in the residence halls.
Vandalism is the willful or malicious destruction and/or defacement of property. Although the financial burden of vandalism affects individual students, hall-mates, and the institution as a whole, deliberate damage of Goucher property impacts campus life far beyond monetary losses. Vandalism adds avoidable work for FMS and Housekeeping employees, affects campus beauty, and causes serious safety concerns.
If you witness vandalism, report the persons to the Office of Campus Safety immediately. You can choose to remain anonymous.
When damage is discovered in common areas, the Office of Residential Life will notify students responsible for those areas of the need to assess charges for repairs and labor. This notification will include instructions on how to report information about the individual(s) responsible.
If responsibility can be determined, charges will be assessed to the responsible individual(s). When an individual(s) responsible cannot be identified, the entire community population may be held responsible for restitution.
The Goucher College Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons Policy outlines policies and procedures for prohibited weapons on campus and in the residence halls.